Brooklyn Nine-Nine S3E7 “The Mattress”

For all those episodes where there were just casual references to Jake and Amy’s relationship, this was the first to bring it to the forefront.  And what better way than the couple’s first fight?

Amy’s sleepless nights are not due to the passionate nature of their relationship (despite Jake’s yelling out to the precinct) but because of Jake’s lumpy mattress.  A small disagreement for the couple results in a big gaffe in their first investigation together as a couple, which Holt reluctantly agrees to.  Of course, for all the progress they seem to make, Jake isn’t willing to fork over that kind of dough for just a mattress.  Even if what he has now is a dumpster mattress.  Jake turns the tables on Amy, though, saying she hasn’t told her mother about him despite talking to her all the time.  So, neither of them feel appreciated by the other.  Thankfully, the tension doesn’t last too long. Resident love doctor, Captain Holt (seriously, with helping Rosa last week and this week with Jake, man is on a roll), shows Jake the errors of his ways.  And one online mattress purchase later, our happy couple is okay again.

Not so happy are Terry and Rosa, who are going head to head regarding Rosa’s “little brother” after he gets arrested for shoplifting.  Terry wants Rosa to take a more understanding and nurturing approach than her initial approach of throwing him in jail.  Of course, Terry’s plan goes awry when he brings in Rosa’s old ballet teach only to find out she was worse to her than Rosa is to anyone.  But in classic B99 convoluted logic, Rosa get’s the message.  I love seeing Stephanie Beatriz smile, it really changes her entire demeanor, that’s who well she plays Rosa.

This week’s C plot wasn’t one for the ages, but it did show Holt’s capacity to be a normal human being. His affection for Gertie clearly trumped his usual rational approach to conflict.  So much so that it took a Gina-style intervention for him to see the error of his ways.

Of course, there were other gems…

  • “Oooh, a lover’s quarrel.” “No, I’m just tired.” “I didn’t ask for part two.”
  • Santiago’s guide to a good CI: “The key is always to send them handwritten thank-you notes.”
  • Boyle continues to struggle with boundaries: “I just discovered a new drug too, it’s called “your relationship”, and I’m high on it.”
  • Amy’s crestfallen look to Holt’s question of “This is who you want to be with?”.
  • Amy thoroughness when it comes to HR.
  • Who would’ve thought Holt could be so poetic? “No man can own her spirit.”
  • Huge relationship moment: Jake corrects Amy’s grammar! “Are you so proud of me? Horrified? Super horny?”
  • “No! You’re Orangina.”
  • Bathroom talk is no joke in Terry’s house.  “Poopyhead means no Doc McStuffins for a week!” (I have a number of nieces and nephews, and this is a pretty harsh punishment.)
  • I’m fairly certain the mattress testing scene was just something Andy Samberg’s been wanting to do his entire life.  As have I.


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