Jane The Virgin S2E5 “Chapter Twenty-Eight”

This week was time-jumping story of “firsts”.  And first milestones are always something Jane keeps note of.  However, not every “first” is a moment you want to hold on to.

Jane struggled with being there for Mateo while dedicating herself to grad school, while succeeding at neither.  I know I say this every week, but Gina Rodriguez’s portrayal of a new mother are really something.  The bittersweetness of her juggling every thing she wants with mixed results, which she is not used to, just like her first C-.  Her lost look in mommy class to missing Mateo’s helmet appointment to realizing Mateo had weaned off of her, you can just feel the pain and disappointment Jane is feeling with Rodriguez’s facial expressions alone.

Rafael, however, has stepped up in a big way.  Knowing all his choreography, being there for all doctor’s appointments, and setting up Mateo’s trust fund.  His very large trust fund.  (The image of Baller Mateo was my favorite future Mateo.)  And he realized he had to move on as Jane struggled to get over Michael.  But I wasn’t prepared for him to actually start dating someone else.  Though, any excuse to put Justin Baldoni in a tux is never a bad thing.  What I loved from the time jumps was watching the evolution of Jane and Rafael’s parenting relationship, along with their personal one.  I may or may not have cheered out loud when Jane accepted Rafael’s invitation to a date, we’ll never know.

Petra’s adventures continued as Magda came back into her life and she discovered she’s having twins!  (Sidenote: Wouldn’t Rafael set up a trust fund for them as well?)  Together, mother and daughter plot to get rid of Milos and his grenades.  Which seems to go smoothly until Ivan returns to keep an eye on them, and Magda loses a hand and an eye to a grenade.  My favorite part about Petra is her blossoming relationship with Jane.  Nothing brings arch-rivals together than motherhood.  And though she does despicable things, I’ve always like Petra and I’m rooting for her.  (Just her, not her and Rafael.)  But this did answer my question as to how long Petra could keep pulling off those short shorts while pregnant.  Didn’t see a single pair this week.

Let’s see what everyone else is up to…

  • Passions of Santos has come to an end!  But Rogelio has a new project: the telenovela version of Mad Men.  Which the network loved…as a comedy.  Of course, Matt Weiner isn’t feeling it.  All of Rogelio’s hard work ends up in a cease and desist.
  • “I will play “Don Juan Draper” – somewhat like Jon Hamm, but VERY good-looking.”
  • Rogelio’s grateful for “Health and hair. Always.”
  • Michael is the one who called Nadine.  And together they’re going to take down Sin Rostro.  I just wish he didn’t have to come back around the same time Jane finally agrees to date Rafael.
  • Jane’s grad school prof is played by Alex Rodriguez.  Show, please tell me you didn’t just have him on to play the prof for this one episode.  You’re going to have a man who looks like him and have him not be a love interest for anyone?!  He better be back soon, romancing someone. Until then, I’ll guess I’ll have to get my fill of him on Empire.
  • It was great for Jane to finally tackle something she wasn’t excelling at: grad school.  Sleeping in class, bad grade, criticism, academic probation – I like seeing a flustered Jane.
  • I also like a mean Jane, which is how she is when she’s sick.
  • Now to the person who I instantly disliked and was right to do so: Wesley, Jane’s first grad school “friend”.  How dare he exploit his relationship with our Jane like that?  Ugh, I hate you, Wesley.
  • And sadly, RIP Ivan.  You will be missed.  (Now, to find out what Magda is hiding.)




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