Scream Queens S1E8 “Ghost Stories”

There are times when I question if plot or story are even a priority for the writers of Scream Queens. Though we got some major reveals, and un-reveals, this week, it still seems like Ryan Murphy and Co. are just interested in quick vignettes of vulgarity or offensiveness. None of the characters are incredibly likeable. Barely intriguing, but definitely not likeable. I would be equally happy if no one or everyone died.

If we are going to add to the death count, however, I’d start with Denise. There are dumb characters, and then there are dumb characters. The whole ridiculousness of telling ghost stories to calm yourself down worked only until we actually heard Denise’s stories. (I should mention I have a low tolerance for bathroom related humor, much like Sgt. Terry.)  There’s nothing more frustrating in a horror movie when the characters do something so obviously stupid that it’s going to get them killed. Trapping yourself in a room and telling more ghost stories was that moment this week. I get this is supposed to be a spoof of the genre, but can’t it be smarter?

At least we got Boon back for an entire episode. Of course, Chanel No.3 thinks Boon is a ghost. It’s the only logical explanation. So, Boon uses the lie to convince Zayday to sleep with him. Needless to say, that backfires immediately and the whole school now knows he’s alive. Except for the police department who have sent some ghost hunter to track him down. But Boon’s return is short-lived as he’s cut down by the treachery of the other Red Devil, aka his sister! Yes, the Dean confirms there are two bathtub babies, and Boon is one of them. But his sister, who was supposed to kill Gigi at the villains’ rendezvous, pledged her allegiance to a twenty year old plan for vengeance by killing her own brother.

But don’t think death and murder would ever stop the relationship drama at Kappa. Chanel has been invited to a very Radwell Thanksgiving, which usually result in a proposal. But Hester has other plans. Donning her bejeweled neck brace (House Bunny did that years ago), she drops a bombshell on everyone. Chad got Hester pregnant!   Which we quickly find out is not true. But the lie is too far gone for Chad who’s already purchased them first-class tickets to the Hamptons. Chanel does the only thing she can to protect her future, she kills Hester by pushing her down the stairs. Granted, the crack we hear, there is no guarantee that was actually her neck. So that might come back to haunt Kappa.

Other clues and tidbits:

  • The Dean’s limited presence was actually helpful this week. She finally took responsibility for how badly the investigation is going. And made the twin reveal. Good job, Dean.
  • No-shows this week: Pete and Wes. To which I say, thank you.
  • Body count: Zayday’s British beau, unnamed truck driver, who tried to save Chanel No.5’s life, Boon, and Hester (maybe)
  • Boon really committed to the revenge plot, putting in years of study to pull it off. I hope he thought it was all worth it in the end. Goodbye, Nick Jonas.
  • You would think Chanel killing someone would be indicative of how low she could go to get what she wants. But I found the scene with her telling Chad he would pay for what he done to be much more chilling.
  • So, the other Red Devil is a girl. Which means it’s one of the remaining Kappa sisters. (Unless they introduce a new character out of nowhere, which, I wouldn’t put past this crew.) Any bets?

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