The Flash S2 E8 “Legends of Today”

I’m on a high, a Flarrow high. Because.That.Was.Awesome. The 2nd annual highly anticipated Flash x Arrow crossover did not disappoint. If anything it exceeded every expectation I had, and this was only part one. The episode balanced stunts, bad ass villainy, Olicity, and humor blending the best of what makes The Flash and Arrow into a Flarrow conglomerate. So let’s do this before my high crashes!

For those who have been keeping up with this blog, know I am biased towards Arrow over Flash. The irony is that I started watching Flash season 1 and discovered Arrow as a result of the first crossover. I then spent the winter hiatus catching up with Arrow. I had to keep reminding myself this episode was the Flash installment and tomorrow is Arrow’s. Because this felt like an extended Arrow episode to me. However, this is a Flash episode so for me this was the best episode of the season. So here are my thoughts/musings:

Vandal Savage

I have to start this review with Vandal Savage. I love dark villains with no discernible vulnerability. A heroes journey is often identified by the villains they face. A formidable villain allows a hero to dig deep into their soul and challenge themselves to be stronger versions of themselves, essentially heroic. Superman vs Lex Luthor. Batman vs Joker. Vandal Savage is a perfect 4,000 year old immortal example. How do you defeat the undefeated? Well, seeing as Vandal Savage will be time travelling during the Legends of Tomorrow series, we might not find out during the crossover. However, the crossover does establish Vandal Savage purpose for arriving in Central City. And that is to kill Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall, aka Hawkgirl and Hawkman, aka Priestess Sheira and Prince Khufu. OVer the past 4,000 years and 206 times, Vandal Savage has killed the soulmates, thereby increasing his power and immortality. The Flash and Green Arrow have their hands full with Vandal Savage and his bad ass collection of ancient knives and glaring looks. I mean he trained Houdini:


Personally, I think Vandal Savage let Barry and Oliver off the hook pretty fast. He could have taken them down pretty easily, not for the lack of trying. I guess Barry’s super speed did throw him off, he can only throw his knives so fast. He did though, get his hands on the Staff of Horus in Central City. I might have missed the purpose behind the staff so please remind me what it was, but Vandal Savage is  about to wreak havoc. He is going to push Oliver and Barry to their limits, and I’m kind of giddy about this. Guess we will find out tomorrow night what happens!!

Kendra Saunders/ Carter Hall

I will admit I haven’t been a fan of Kendra’s up until this point. I understood her character as Hawkgirl, but I had yet to understand her relevance and why we needed two Hawk people. Now I get it, but I realize what is still bothering me is the actress selected to play Kendra. Sorry to the Ciara Renee fans, but her affect or lack thereof bothers me. Her scenes with Cisco were sweet, but I’m partial to any scene Cisco is featured in and happy that he is happy with his “beautiful friend who he kisses sometimes”. Kendra moved to Central City 6 months ago from Wisconsin because she felt a natural pull to the area (which is tied to the Staff of Horus). After being nearly killed to Vandal Savage, Barry and Cisco whisk her away to Star City under Team Arrow’s protection. Oliver, a bit harshly, questions Kendra as to what Vandal would want with a girl from Wisconsin? Poor girl is so confused, and then next thing you know she is once again whisked away by Hawkman. I have to admit, I laughed at this scene because it reminded me of that scene from “The Proposal” when Ryan Reynolds family dog got picked up by a hawk. After an awesome fight sequence, Hawkman aka Carter Hall is captured and we finally learn the whole story. Carter and Kendra have been soulmates for the past 4,000 years who have been murdered by Vandal 206 times pending 207. Kendra is having flashbacks, but still can’t reconcile the 2 lives, and Carter encourages her to merge and let her wings come out and fly. Carter figures the only way to inspire Kendra is by pushing her off the roof of a skyscraper. Ok, but seriously, how do they always get access to these roofs?? That doesn’t work, but you know what does? Barry telling Kendra to believe in herself with a side of Cisco pep talk. I have to admit it actually was an awesome scene watching Kendra’s wings emerge:


Team Flash in Star City

Barry and Cisco were the only two team members to make the trip to Star City, and quite frankly that is all I needed. Barry probably should have consulted Oliver before bringing Kendra over to Star City. Apparently Barry hasn’t been paying attention to the news, otherwise he would have known that Oliver is busy running for mayor and Star City has been under attack by Damien Darkh. Iris is a reporter, you think she would have clued him in. Frankly, for the rest of the episode, Barry was not the highlight and that is fine. Sometimes, I just like seeing Barry in super speed mode and in action.

I love Barry’s friendship with Felicity and Oliver. The great thing about Barry is he brings out a light heartedness in every one. Even at dark moments, he knows how to turn it around. Barry is a lot like Felicity, and this is the main reason why it couldn’t work between them. They wouldn’t know how to balance each other out in a relationship when times got tough. As friends though they are golden. Oliver is the big brother Barry has always needed but never had. Now that Oliver is in a happier place in life, his relationship with Barry isn’t so dictatorial, and rather advisory. Barry is trying to reconcile that having powers does not mean he can save everyone from every problem. And Barry is in a personal dark space because of it questioning every decision he has made to this point. I appreciate the fact Barry points out that in a short amount of time he has discovered a parallel universe, battled a genetically engineered gorilla, and now is trying to battle an immortal. That right there sums up why The Flash has been so uneven this season. Lucky for Barry, Oliver has been in that dark place (even darker) and can advise him that he has done enough and it is okay.  I love that Barry called Oliver about the “guys like them never get the girl”. Big brothers can be wrong and I hope that Barry remembers and listens to that. I always enjoy when Barry and Oliver fight side by side and this episode was high octane action. I particularly liked the fight sequence with Hawkman. They are now using their skill sets to work in tandem and to their advantage to take down whatever big bad is in their way. Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin have great chemistry and the scenes don’t require much acting from the two. These are just how these two act when not shooting, just with different names.


Cisco holds my heart. And I got to have my two favorite characters(Cisco and Felicity) in an episode together sharing scenes. I was in heaven.  First, Cisco had to out his meta human powers to Kendra and Team Arrow because he knew there was more to Kendra based on his vibe off of her. Cisco provides Kendra with a great pep talk, and I always appreciate Cisco’s softer side. It’s what makes his character endearing beyond the humor. However, his scenes with Felicity were gold. No one is more protective and prideful over her tech than Felicity, and to have Cisco shoot it down and be right was awesome. The lack of copper wiring in the lair explains the glitches that keep occurring. The fact that the show is referencing the glitch again means there is some major foreshadowing occurring. If there is one thing I have learned, the writers and producers don’t mention anything that will not have any consequence to the story. My second favorite scene between the two was the failed high five. Carlos Valdes and Emily Bett Rickards are masters at improv and that is what that scene was to me.  I loved it.

The Loft Scene

I am separating this scene out because it is one of my favorite scenes ever on both shows. First of all, there was actual music playing in the background. I can’t remember the last time I heard music on Arrow, but then I had to remind myself that this was Flash and they  get real music. Regardless, the casual music set the mood for the scene. A whole bunch of friends having drinks, hanging out, joking around, and being happy with one another. Thea and Cisco’s banter about her code name was gold. We know Cisco loves to name his heroes an villains and I would have loved to hear what he would have named her. Barry and Felicity catching up on her personal life. Oliver being most relaxed I have ever seen him and expressing this is the happiest he has ever been. Oliver being openly affectionate and  giving Felicity random head kisses. Barry showing off his speed and trying to steal Oliver’s thunder during his toast. The whole scene from start to finish(fight included) was perfection. This is what I feel like when I reunite with old friends after awhile(minus an immortal crashing the party).


If Olicity are going to be featured in an episode, I am going to talk about. We have watched this wonderful relationship evolve since the season began with. I’ll save most of my Olicity talk for tomorrow, but few things to point out. This is a couple secure in their love and relationship. What struck me was the open affection between Oliver and Felicity in this episode. Up until this point, the kisses, terms of endearments, and even touching have been reserved to private moments. Earlier above I said how Barry brings out a lightness in others much like Felicity, and I believe that effect is what we saw in this episode. Granted Felicity thought the comms were off, but referring to Oliver as “my love” and Oliver saying “Felicity, honey” was refreshing to finally hear.  Later on, Oliver openly joked with Barry about Felicity leaving more bruises than DeathStroke. I bet even if Oliver and Felicity were in a relationship season 3, Oliver would still have had a stick up his ass and not joke about anything related to Felicity. Then we saw  Felicity openly calming Oliver down by stroking his arm while in the lair.  At the loft, and my personal favorite moment, Oliver rubbing her neck and giving her a head kiss(it is their thing)! Followed by Oliver having a honest vulnerable conversation with Barry stating that this is the happiest he has ever been and “Being with Felicity has given me a real sense of peace. Something I haven’t had in a while.”  Slay me. Felicity is his lobster. God bless Barry Allen, for just telling his big brother Oliver to just kiss the girl, and Oliver gives a somewhat lingering kiss in front of Barry! Oliver of the past would have given Felicity a peck because his PDA threshold was practically non existent. Oliver with Felicity and an extra dose of Barry is just one song away from declaring his euphoric happiness and endless love for Felicity Smoak. No boundaries. Put a ring on her already.

Other stuff:

  • I know, I know this is supposed to be Flash review, but the subplot happening in Central City bored me. To sum up, Caitlin and Harry Wells developed a serum called Velocity 6. Dr. Wells wanted to test it on Jay Garrick, but he was having none of that. Meantime Patty Spivot followed Dr. Wells into Star Labs ( guess security sucks again) and shot Dr. Wells. The bullet was lodged in his pulmonary artery, and the only way to save him was to remove the bullet. Caitlin called Jay Garrick and convinced him to take the Velocity 6, phase his way into Dr. Wells body and remove the bullet. Then he left again warning Dr. Wells not to use this on Barry.
  • Barry is not anywhere near Zoom speed and this concerns Dr. Wells hence the creation of Velocity 6.
  • For a Flash episode, Iris West was once again sidelined. I’m hoping she becomes relevant very soon.
  • Thea’s reaction to not knowing  that they know the Flash was amusing. I am loving Thea this season.
  • Praise The Flash writers and producers for Laurel having no purpose this episode.
  • Damien Darkh’s 2 minutes was delectable and we got great fight scenes.
  • Malcolm Merlyn and the LOA  hilariously showed up out of the shadows twice, but actually did nothing. Their purpose was to provide exposition about Vandal Savage. I’m hoping we see more of Malcolm on the Arrow side.
  • Oliver is super happy this episode, so that only means dark times are heading Oliver’s way. Something is going to happen to Felicity and we need to start preparing ourselves now because the winter finale is only 1 week away. **She is not the one in grave**
  • The episode ends with seeing the girl he got pregnant 9 years ago with a 9 year old boy, and he looks like a bus just hit him. I know a lot of the fandom is not crazy about this storyline. I am indifferent. I want to see where the writers/producers take us. I do not think a potential son is a threat to Olicity at all. Damien Darkh is who they should be afraid of.

There wasn’t a moment in this episode I didn’t love. I couldn’t watch it live, but I was dying as my friends were texting me halfway into the show how great this episode was. I can’t wait for part 2 of the Flarrow crossover. If you think this is long, I imagine tomorrow will be longer. Let me know what you think and if I missed anything, I am sorry!!

4 thoughts on “The Flash S2 E8 “Legends of Today”

  1. GZL says:

    I looooved this episode of Flash! I thought that Carter and Savage were great- I’m not a huge fan of Kendra. I thought it was the perfect mix of humor, action, and romance and I agree the Loft scene was my favorite! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Xavier Sheridan says:

    Kendra is hot! Hee!

    I actually don’t watch Arrow, but these crossover episodes are definitely peaking my interests.
    I always thought Felicity was a superhero too, and she is certainly one of my favorite characters. It sounds like she has a ‘not so awesome’ fate in store for her though, so i guess I’d better not get too attached.

    I have the Arrow version on DVR, so more to come after I check that one out!


    • Nad says:

      Xavier!! It’s been awhile since we heard from you!! Arrow is pretty awesome and i highly encourage you to watch the show. The first 3 seasons are on Netflix. Don’t worry about Felicity because she is money for the CW so she might get hurt but she’s not going anywhere for the long term. Personally, I would stop watching the show, lol. What are your thoughta on Vandal Savage?


      • Xavier Sheridan says:

        Hiya NAD.

        I’ve always liked Vandal Savage in the animated iterations of the Justice League. Although they’re presenting him with just his knife game, I think he makes a formidable foe for the superhero team. I love the set up, and the connection to the legends of tomorrow. I am already ready to set my DVR for the new series.

        Thanks for the good word on Felicity. I wasn’t ready to see her go, and now I can breathe a sigh of relief. ;->

        Liked by 1 person

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