Supergirl S1E9 “Blood Bonds”

The start of a new year is always so exciting, so hopeful.  The promise of change.  The feeling of moving forward towards something better.  Unfortunately, the new year means nothing to Supergirl because we ended up right where we started, undoing the progress of the last few episodes. 

This was a frustrating episode to watch.  I, personally, was a fan of Cat being in the know.  Maxwell having a, albeit tentative, relationship with Alex and the DEO.   And Astra’s relationship with Kara’s mother to be not so cut and dry.  I liked we were creating inroads for more nuanced and complex relationships and storylines.  But this episode failed me.

First return to status quo, Astra was released and returned to her minions.  In exchange for Henshaw, who was captured by Kara’s uncle during their fight at Lord Industries.  The torture scene with Astra was well-done, but I was hoping for more of a fight from Kara.  For her to be more angry than she was, not just at Lane, but everyone for even behaving as they were.  To accept torture as a means to an end.  But I don’t think show is trying to make any political statements just yet.  But with Astra back with her army, the conflict between her and Kara is restored.

Second return to status quo, Maxwell Lord is at odds with the DEO and Supergirl again.  In a not really well explained turnabout, Max has no interest in helping the DEO anymore.  Despite the fact the Fort Ross aliens attacked his company.  And as James tries to investigate further, we get another (sort of) torture scene with him and Max.  Max has drawn his battle lines, but to what end?  I guess we’ll have to wait longer to find out who the girl in the hospital bed is and what Max is really up to.

Third return to status quo, and this one annoyed me the most, Kara decided to react to Cat’s “accusation” by pretending it was just ridiculous.  So, Cat went hard on Kara this week, telling her she shouldn’t be her assistant when she could be saving people.  Ignoring Kara’s passionate plea as to what her job means to her, Cat threatens to fire her if she can’t prove she’s not Supergirl.  Ultimately, Kara pulls it off with her new friend, J’onn, but why?  I get Kara needs to maintain her alter ego and the sanity and stability it provides her.  But why not compromise with Cat rather than shut Cat out all together?


  • Gen. Lane made his return, and is still anti-alien.  No surprise there.
  • Winn and James work together to take on Max, which barely succeeds.  However, Max is impressed by Winn’s ability to hack his security system.  Will they be nemeses or can Max recruit Winn?
  • Alura and Astra made amends before Astra’s imprisonment.  Resetting that relationship as well.  So, why is she still angry with her?
  • Kara finds out about Henshaw’s true self.  I chuckled when Henshaw and Alex, in unison, said Kara can’t keep a secret.
  • Clark and Kara are still IMing.  #cousinlove

So, not the start I was hoping for.  I’m not a fan of going backwards in plots, or even repeating them.  It’s usually what makes me sign off from a show, but Supergirl is still in its infancy, finding its footing.  I can be patient for a little while longer.




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