Supergirl S1E10 “Childish Things”

This week was all about everyone else on Supergirl, which is a welcome change. If we’re going to invest in the Kara’s Scooby gang, we might as well get to know everyone.

Winn has been someone the show hasn’t told us much about. He’s a tech genius, likes to design superhero costumes, and is in love with Kara.  He’s been written, thus far, with broad strokes.  This week, though, we get to learn a whole lot about Winn.  Primarily, his father is the Toyman, a disgruntled toymaker who has spent the last decade or so in prison for trying to kill his boss.  But he’s escaped now and is looking to reconnect with his estranged son.  Winn has no plans to let that happen and actually helps the FBI to lead them to him.  This all fails, however, and Winn is kidnapped by his father to fulfill his act of revenge.  Winn has to be the one to pull the trigger, and as a failsafe, his father has placed bombs all across a toy convention.  It’s saving the one or the many, and Winn makes the decision to save the many.  But can’t go through with it, allowing Supergirl to capture his father.

Winn’s personal demons though aren’t just about his father. His father was a man who never spoke up for himself.  Kept his feelings bottled inside, and that’s what set him off when his boss stole his designs.  Winn’s afraid that if he ever gets angry, too angry, it will be his turning point, just like his father.   He adored his father, and they were inseparable.  So, he must be like him, right?  But Winn doesn’t want to live with that fear anymore.  And he comes clean to Kara about how he feels.  And it’s sweet. Really sweet.  Except Kara does not take it well.   There’s a lot of awkwardness in their future ahead.  But at least Winn is someone we can really root for now.

Lucy Lane got shown some love this week as well, as she was offered the General Counsel job for Catco.   Because of it, we got another fantastic glimpse into the inner workings of Cat Grant’s mind and how she knows a woman like Lucy, smart, ambitious, accomplished, wasn’t just going to sit around staring at her boyfriend.  Her boyfriend, though, didn’t seem too enthused about the idea of them working together.  In fact, James seemed downright annoyed.  Turns out, her excitement over the new job is making him realize he doesn’t want the job he has now.  He wants to be behind the camera again, out in the streets.  Seems like Lucy and James are good, for now, despite Kara’s longing looks from across the office.

Not doing so well is Henshaw. Embracing more of his Martian side, he’s been helping Supergirl with her flying skills.  And both her and Alex have been pushing him to use his powers even more.  But Henshaw knows what it’s like for an alien on Earth.  No one takes to them kindly.  Kara gets away with it because she’s a “blond, pretty cheerleader”.  Something J’onn J’onzz is definitely not.  However, in their attempts to learn more about what Maxwell Lord is hiding he gives in and uses his shapeshifting abilities.  Until he’s confronted by a security guard.  Then, Henshaw does something he promised himself he would never do again: erase a man’s memory.  And not just of him seeing Henshaw, but of his entire life.  Needless to say, Henshaw’s guilt is understandable.

Alex doesn’t know what he did but is sure she’s partially responsible since she pushed him to use his powers. But Alex has other problems on her hands.  She went out on a date with Max!  Well, it was a ruse to get him out of his lab so Henshaw can break in.  That didn’t stop her from getting all dolled up for it.  But it’s Max that has the upper hand, placing a camera on Alex’s handbag, and finding out Supergirl and Alex and are sisters.  I like Alex, even though she is one of the weakest characters on the show.  I like her because her interactions with Kara ground both of their characters.  I want Alex to be given more depth and character, but so far, the writers are not doing her any favors.  How does a trained field agent miss a camera on her purse? I understand they needed to have Max find out about Alex’s connection to Supergirl, but not at the expense of Alex’s intelligence.  I’m hoping there’s a secondary play here from Alex and the DEO.


  • Winn also kissed Kara! I’m rooting for him. I need Kara to see what she’s missing.
  • Cat calls out Kara’s and James’ flirtation. That woman doesn’t miss a thing.
  • We learned a little more of the Jane Doe in Max’s lab, but still no clues as to what Max is planning.

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