Arrow S4 E14 “Code of Silence”

I’m back after taking another 2 weeks off. Truth be told, I wasn’t feeling inspired by the last 2 episodes of Arrow. I was happy with Roy’s return, and last week was such a bore, I don’t even remember what happened. Generally speaking at this point every season, Arrow delivers its weakest episodes. Fair warning, I was not a fan of this episode despite the lighter moments courtesy of Donna Smoak. This will be a rather snark filled review and extremely subjective. Oliver Queen is receiving no sympathy from me and might not for awhile. Lets go.



I am going to GIF light today, if at all. I don’t have the energy. And frankly speaking, the writers have decided that lazy plot contrivance is justifiable. So if they don’t care about their characters and show, then why should I put any effort. I know. I am writing this up “review”, but call this my venue of releasing my frustrations.

This episode should have been titled “Anvil of Lies” or “League of Character Assassination (L.O.C.A.)” Actually the latter will be my nickname for the writers until they rectify this mess. If you have read my previous reviews, you will know I have never been a fan of Oliver’s lie (understatement). As each episode passes and Oliver’s lie sinks further into the abyss, the writers are also undoing all the progress Oliver has made the past several seasons. Let me state that I love Oliver Queen. His journey from a cold broken man with a salvageable soul to a man who will fight to save his city and those he loves has been a pleasure to watch. It is frustrating to watch Oliver have moments of regression, but that is to be expected as some parts of oneself is intrinsic. However, what was never intrinsic to Oliver was lying to Felicity Smoak. That part of his soul that she owned from day 1 and cultivated over the past several years is what has made Olicity a beautiful love story. Their love story was one built on friendship, love, mutual respect and most important TRUST. During the episode, their is an adorable call back to the damaged laptop that brought the two of them together in the 1st place. Even though Felicity knew Oliver was lying, she trusted him. And Oliver instinctively trusted Felicity, proven by his frequent trips to her and ultimately revealing himself.

Oliver Queen hasn’t been known to make the most intelligent decisions. However, opening his heart to Felicity Smoak was the smartest of them all. I have loved their open communication up until William’s revelation. What a concept to have a TV couple that communicates and deals with their issues in an adult manner. This is where I get angry with the writers and their plot contrivance called William. There is no argument that Oliver has every right to get to know his kid. In fact, I would consider it out of character if he didn’t put up a fight. What is out of character is keeping this lie from Felicity, then propose to her multiple times, and even move up the wedding date. He knows Felicity inside out and especially in light of her fathers reappearance, that this would kill her. On top of that, out of all Team Arrow members, Felicity is the best secret keeper. She didn’t even tell Oliver about Ray’s super suit. He owed the truth to Felicity and their relationship more than honoring a “promise” to Samantha. Since when has sharing the truth with Felicity ever blown up in Oliver’s face?  All this was done to drive a contrived plot and delay Oliver and Felicity’s nuptials. All the while slowly killing their characters in the progress. Plot should be driven from characterization progress. Characterization should not be sacrificed for the sake of plot. I am tired of any justification for the writers and producers. As a viewer, I want to watch intelligent and captivating drama driven by multi faceted characters. This is a superhero show that can afford Olicity light episodes while focusing on the plot. And right now Arrow is failing Oliver Queen as a result. I could not enjoy any Olicity (and my shipper heart loves them!) moment because it was tainted by this cancerous lie. I respect those who have a differing opinion, but I do love these characters and relationships, and like most, annoyed at this turn of events.

So how many literary anvils does it take to let us know that a breakup is imminent and Oliver is hiding this secret? Apparently a whole episode worth with added character assassination via Thea Queen.

When Thea first uncovered Moira’s check, I was a bit excited. I thought, here we go, Thea will figure out the truth and ream Oliver for lying to her and Felicity. I audibly gasped when Thea said the words “You are not lying”. Really Thea? Because when you asked him about it earlier, he straight up lied, and then said this won’t back to hurt him. If anything, Thea served as the writers scapegoat to justify Oliver’s secret. Without even blinking, Thea pacifies Oliver by telling him he is doing the right thing by protecting his son. From who Thea? Is Felicity that threatening that William might self combust when Felicity finds out? In reality, Oliver trusted Felicity much longer with his secret than he did his sister. So really, whose advice should he be seeking out? Let’s go a bit deeper as to why Thea’s reasoning is out of character for her:

  • Thea threw a fit that cost her family fortune when she found out Malcolm was her father and it was hidden from her.
  • Thea has always been the one to confront the truth. In fact Oliver has always called her the best of the family
  • She wanted to tell Oliver about her and Laurel’s trip to Nanda Parbat.
  • Thea confessed to Laurel that she killed Sara because the guilt was overwhelming
  • Thea was about to give up her life to Nyssa for killing Sara because once again the guilt was overwhelming.

Stick a fork in me. I am done with Thea. She has proven herself to be the worst of Moira and Malcolm. Speaking of Malcolm, he knows about William’s existence and Oliver still has done nothing. I wonder how Thea will feel when she finds that out. You know what I don’t care about her feelings at this point. But points to Willa Holland for enunciating this time around! At this point if she is in the grave, I won’t bat an eyelash. And to the writers, if you have to use another character to justify your decisions because the story and the actor can’t sell it on their own, then the idea was horrid in the first place.

Anvils kept dropping via Donna and Felicity Smoak. I will say, I do enjoy their relationship. I am glad for Felicity to have someone in her life beside Oliver that she can rely on. Because lets face it, Oliver won’t be there for much longer. I love that they protect each other fiercely. When Donna and Quentin break up, Felicity knows her mother is not at fault. Her explanation “because you are a man” is sufficient and Quentin can’t disagree. However, Felicity does know that Quentin’s intentions are not malicious, and asks Donna to be understanding and not let him get away. Donna bless her heart, only wants want Oliver and Felicity have. A relationship based on trust with no secrets and lies. And hey a bonus, Felicity knows Oliver will be a good father to her bones. My head might hurt a bit from all those anvils. Quentin eventually comes clean to Donna and it is a sweet moment. As a side note, I don’t care for flirty Donna. I love No BS Donna. Give me more of her. My poor Felicity, I hope you remember all these conversations because next week is going to hurt like no other.

In a moment that actually did have me tear up, Curtis gifts Felicity with technology to walk again. Their friendship has been a joy to watch. Felicity was rendered speechless by his gift. Felicity, our lovely talker, was at a loss for words by Curtis’s selflessness, friendship and loyalty. That being said, as happy as I am that Felicity will be able to walk again, I once again question the writers. Where was Felicity’s development? I appreciated that her story wasn’t defined by the wheelchair, but once again proved that they needed a couple episodes of plot contrivance. Outside of the 1 episode with Goth Felicity, we weren’t treated to some of the real issues Oliver and Felicity would have to face with her new lifestyle. Instead we were treated to Felicity marginalizing herself for Thea’s sake and a moved up wedding date at Oliver’s request.

The end of the episode featured Damien Darkh introducing William to his daughter. Please forgive my snark, but by 10 years old, he should know who his mom would trust for him to go away with. He was all too willing to start playing with this random girl. Great job Samantha!! I can almost buy why you don’t want Oliver telling anyone about his kid!

Random thoughts:

  • Laurel was in the episode. Her highlights featured standing on top of the theater marquee for all of Star City to see and having nails scratch her face. The one time I want the villain to aim better!
  • As much as I disliked Thea in that one scene, Stephen Amell knocked it out of the park. It was the one and only time I felt any remorse from Oliver about lying to Felicity. But I think that was more Stephen feeling upset and remorse for us fans to endure this horrid story line.
  • An attempted murder attempt was made on Quentin via Damien Darkh and his Demolition Derby Team. He survived, but my grave contenders is narrowing. SO far Felicity,Thea, and Quentin have almost died. My prayer circle for Laurel is growing stronger.
  • Ruve Adams aka Ruve Darkh and Oliver battle in a mayoral debate. Apparently Oliver won. I would have liked to see that. Maybe being a politician has refined his lying skills.
  • James Bamford directed his 2nd episode of Arrow and I will admit, I enjoyed the stunts. Consider upgrade of the camera work done this time around. Oliver on a bike doing death defying jumps does make me happy.
  • Next week, Felicity finds out about William and the imminent break up will be upon us. I am more than ready for this. Felicity staying with Oliver would be a disservice to her character and the strength she always brings. I hope Oliver spends the next several episodes grovelling and rebuilding that trust. I do believe Oliver and Felicity will end up together, and I am placing one last piece of faith the writers will do justice to their reconciliation


If you got this far, thank you for enduring my rant/ review and forgive me for any errors and tangents. Despite what it may seem, the optimist in me is hoping once the kid story line is over, we can return to the Arrow we all fell in love with.

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