Jane The Virgin S2E8 “Chapter Thirty”

After a two-week hiatus (way too long) and a second Golden Globe nomination for Gina Rodriguez, our favorite show was back last night! Amidst all that excitement, this was a quieter show in that it didn’t raise too many eyebrows with any major reveal but it had some great character moments.  Continue reading

Quantico S1 E11 “Inside”

After 10 episodes that have taken Juveria and I on a roller coaster ride and made Quantico the crown jewel of our blog, we have arrived at the Quantico Winter Finale. Surprsingly this time around Juveria and I were split on this episode. She somewhat liked it and felt answers were questioned. I, on the other hand, hated it and almost clawed my eyes out. Read our takes below and you can decide which side you lean on.

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Scream Queens S1E12 & 13 “Dorkus; Final Girl(s)”

When the season started, Scream Queens was a show many were looking forward to. The spoof on the horror genre was expected to be in the vein of Scream and Cabin in the Woods, both of which are far superior to this thirteen episode saga.  Though Glee was a disaster in the later years, Ryan Murphy did manage one or two decent seasons of the show.  And because of the accolades he gets for American Horror Story, I expected a better marriage of humor and horror. Continue reading

Arrow S4 E9 “Dark Waters”

In case anyone hasn’t figured out by now, I am a huge Arrow fan and bigger Olicity fan. I have been anxiously anticipating the Arrow winter finale, and it was spectacular. This is how a show does a winter finale. A finale filled with drama, comedy, warmth, some holiday spirit, hope, stunts, rage, despair, love, twisted evil, and angst. And they accomplished that in 42 minutes. Oliver and Felicity were front and center, Damien Darkh is the best kind of evil, and I tolerated Laurel which means something good for her character!! Let’s get into it.
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The Flash S2 E9 “Running to Stand Still”

It’s December and that only means one thing: Mid season finale time!!! My fellow Flash fans, I didn’t set any expectations for the mid season finale which usually works to my advantage. However, I was left underwhelmed. And that is quite the feat when you had no expectations to begin with. Tonight’s Flash theme was Christmas and The Fathers that left us. Lets get this over with:

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Quantico S1E10 “Quantico”

I am going to rename this show to “Sweet Valley High: The Quantico Years”. If you don’t understand this reference, I’m too old to know the modern day version of Sweet Valley High. Quantico was a mess of stereotypes already. However, now it is a hot mess of bad dialogue, acting and overall incompetence. The penultimate episode to the winter finale fell flat. Review/thoughts below:

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Arrow S2 E8 “Legends of Yesterday”

Tuesday evening I was on a Flarrow high and last night’s Flarrow put me into into cardiac arrest. Because.That.Was.Not.Good. I will be upfront, if you are looking for a review covering Vandal Savage and the Hawk lovers, scroll down the bottom for a short blurb. Today is all about Oliver, his son, Oliver’s decision to not tell Felicity, Olicity, and poor writing choices. So my thoughts after I needed to be resuscitated.

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