Jane The Virgin S2E8 “Chapter Thirty”

After a two-week hiatus (way too long) and a second Golden Globe nomination for Gina Rodriguez, our favorite show was back last night! Amidst all that excitement, this was a quieter show in that it didn’t raise too many eyebrows with any major reveal but it had some great character moments.  Continue reading

Scream Queens S1E12 & 13 “Dorkus; Final Girl(s)”

When the season started, Scream Queens was a show many were looking forward to. The spoof on the horror genre was expected to be in the vein of Scream and Cabin in the Woods, both of which are far superior to this thirteen episode saga.  Though Glee was a disaster in the later years, Ryan Murphy did manage one or two decent seasons of the show.  And because of the accolades he gets for American Horror Story, I expected a better marriage of humor and horror. Continue reading

Scream Queens S1E8 “Ghost Stories”

There are times when I question if plot or story are even a priority for the writers of Scream Queens. Though we got some major reveals, and un-reveals, this week, it still seems like Ryan Murphy and Co. are just interested in quick vignettes of vulgarity or offensiveness. None of the characters are incredibly likeable. Barely intriguing, but definitely not likeable. I would be equally happy if no one or everyone died. Continue reading

Scream Queens S1E8 “Mommie Dearest”

This show is struggling to keep my attention.  It keeps chugging along on its plot, peddling out offensive one-liners, and not killing off it’s more annoying characters.  It’s got just enough where I chuckle once in a while but then forget it instantly.

Not to say it didn’t have its moments.   Continue reading