Jane The Virgin S2E8 “Chapter Thirty”

After a two-week hiatus (way too long) and a second Golden Globe nomination for Gina Rodriguez, our favorite show was back last night! Amidst all that excitement, this was a quieter show in that it didn’t raise too many eyebrows with any major reveal but it had some great character moments.  Continue reading

Jane the Virgin S2E5 “Chapter Twenty-Seven”

There was a bit of trepidation on my part when it came to this episode.  Two questions loomed over it: 1. Are they really just going to resolve the triangle here or were they going to force some further obstacle?  And 2. Is Britney going to pull this off?  The writers, of course, did not let me down and handled the Jane-Rafael-Michael conflict in a fairly realistic manner.  And Britney, well, Britney did her thing.  Continue reading

Jane The Virgin S2E4 “Chapter Twenty-Six”

This was a big week for #TeamMichael! Huge! Jane and Michael’s relationship has demonstrated moments of that casual intimacy you have with someone who’s known you for years. But they haven’t had that sweeping romantic moment like Jane had with Rafael during their first kiss last season. Last night’s kiss had that romance, along with their trademark snow. I’m not #TeamMichael but even I couldn’t help but fall in love with that moment. Continue reading

Jane the Virgin S2E3 “Chapter Twenty-Five”

Family and tradition are a key part of Jane the Virgin.  The strength of the Villanueva women’s relationships with each other has been at the heart of the show from day one.  But this week, we got to see a connection between them we hadn’t seen before. Continue reading

Jane The Virgin S2 E2 “Chapter Twenty-Four”

I have never watched an episode of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.  And I never will.  Unless, Bachelorette Jane is on it.  It was clear Gina Rodriguez had a lot of fun with this alter ego.  The running commentary she provided, the emotional drama of having to choose between two finalists, her rehearsal of her talking head…every single detail was perfectly cliché dating show material.  And the guys even got into it!  Can we get a spin-off? Continue reading

Jane The Virgin S2 E1 “Chapter Twenty-Three”

I am so happy this show is back.  This was such a wonderful pleasant surprise of a show last year. And I hope all of you are on the same campaign as me to get more people to watch it!

So, let’s get to this most important piece of news: Mateo is returned to Jane before the first commercial break. And thank God, because that was the most devastating end to the first season.

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