The Flash S2 E11 “Reverse Flash Returns”

I will admit, I made dinner plans rather than watching The Flash live Tuesday night. Season 2 thus far has been an overall disappointment, and lost its live viewing status. That being said, last night’s episode was solid, but the standards are low. Take it for what it is worth. Iris gains some agency, Patty’s out the door, Barry has learned nothing, Harry and Cisco are the bright lights of the show, Reverse Flash is back, and the time continuum only makes sense to The Flash writers. Here we go:

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The Flash S2E10 “Potential Energy”

Aaaandd I am back after an unintentional, yet well timed 6 week hiatus!! I had plans to review other shows while my main shows were on their winter hiatus, but real life happened, and I was enjoying it. I will cut to the chase, I could have spared myself one more day of enjoyment after this massive disappointment of a Flash episode. In fact, this show is about to go on DVR watch status. I share my thoughts below: Continue reading

The Flash S2 E9 “Running to Stand Still”

It’s December and that only means one thing: Mid season finale time!!! My fellow Flash fans, I didn’t set any expectations for the mid season finale which usually works to my advantage. However, I was left underwhelmed. And that is quite the feat when you had no expectations to begin with. Tonight’s Flash theme was Christmas and The Fathers that left us. Lets get this over with:

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The Flash S2 E8 “Legends of Today”

I’m on a high, a Flarrow high. Because.That.Was.Awesome. The 2nd annual highly anticipated Flash x Arrow crossover did not disappoint. If anything it exceeded every expectation I had, and this was only part one. The episode balanced stunts, bad ass villainy, Olicity, and humor blending the best of what makes The Flash and Arrow into a Flarrow conglomerate. So let’s do this before my high crashes!

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The Flash S2 E7 “Gorilla Warfare”

I will be upfront, if you are a fan of comic canon and a fan of Grodd, this review is not for you. At the end of last night’s episode of “The Flash”, I was left with 1 question: “If I wanted to watch ‘Planet of the Apes’, then I would have watched just that, not some TV knock off”.  Sorry, but tonight’s Flash episode was my least favorite ever. Not even Cisco saved this for me.

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The Flash S2 E6 “Enter Zoom”

Last week “The Flash” left me uninspired, and I have to say save the last 15 minutes, so did tonight’s episode. We are finally treated to the first Zoom and Flash showdown, and it was intense!! And once again, my love for Cisco has no end.

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Quantico S1E7 “Go”

Last week’s rant was our most viewed post yet and made us question why we watch this show. However, we decided to keep on watching and reviewing. Last night’s installment didn’t offend us, so that was an upgrade. Read on for our recap/reaction:

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The Flash S2 E5 “The Darkness and the Light”

To be honest, I had difficulty writing this recap/reaction. I texted my fellow blogger, Juvi to relay my frustration. She gave me some great advice: Not every recap needs to be a masterpiece (for the record none of mine are) and to write about why it didn’t inspire you. So here is my uninspired recap/reaction of last night’s The Flash:
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The Flash S2 E3 “Family of Rogues”

I am going to consider the season premiere an epilogue of season 1. The last 2 episodes of “The Flash” have been on the money and reinforced my feelings for why I love this show. Today’s episode revolved around the contrast of 2 families, centered around character development, and with a bit of action on the side. So let’s get into it:

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